The Glenn Beck Program

The Glenn Beck Program

Known for his quick wit, candid opinions and engaging personality, Glenn Beck has attracted millions of viewers and listeners throughout the United...Full Bio


Google Founder's Ex-Wife Speaks Out About Evils of “Tech Mafia”

The “groundwork” that Big Tech elites have set is being used to “enable” the policies of the Great Reset, warns Nicole Shanahan, who was once married to Google co-founder Sergey Brin. She recently sat down with BlazeTV’s Allie Beth Stuckey to share the inside secrets of the “Tech Mafia” that she once observed. Now, Allie joins Glenn Beck to discuss some of the most shocking moments from her podcast, including the near-death moment that brought Shanahan to Christianity.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: All right. I want to take in Allie Beth Stucky here, and bring her on the program.

There's a great story out about something she -- she has. She just released it. It was on

And I had not seen the interview yet. I have seen pieces of the interview.

And it looks -- I mean, this is amazing.

Allie Beth is maybe one of the best interviews you've done can. Let me play a little clip of it first.

VOICE: So the tech-wide Mafia, I believe, were kind of being conscripted. And their money especially was being conscripted.

And to set the groundwork for The Great Reset. Specifically through -- specifically through a network of non-NGO advisers.

Relationship with Hollywood.

Relationship at Davos.

And their own companies.


VOICE: So if you look at like who is on these boards, who hangs out with each other.

How these -- how the culture of -- of tech wealth works, like Silicon Valley tech worth. And that small group of people, responsible for a huge amount of money, and a huge amount of NGO activity across the United States. It's a really small group of people. And it's a really small group of people making these decisions.

And then. And then completely blind to everything else that's going on. And how their ground work is being used to then enable these other policies.

These great reset policies.

GLENN: It is amazing to go from five years ago, everybody saying, that's crazy!

That's not happening.

To the former wife of the -- the head of Google, coming out and saying, yeah. This was all orchestrated. We didn't even know what we were into. As wives.

As the Silicon Valley Mafia wives, as she calls them. Allie Beth, welcome to the program. How are you?

ALLIE: Thank you so much. Doing well.

GLENN: Really powerful interview. What did she say was her turning point? What woke he her up?

ALLIE: Wow. There were so many moments across her journey. Kind of started on the campaign trail with RFK.

She shared something that she had never shared before. That she was pregnant surprisingly on the campaign trail. And that she had a long-term miscarriage at 20 weeks. And it was life-threatening for her. She lost the sweet baby. And she almost lost her life. And she said that as she felt her life being pulled from her, she almost made this kind of exchange with God.

Like, okay. God. You have my life.

You know, I will do anything, basically.

I'm paraphrasing. People can watch the interview for her actual verbiage.

But she felt all of a sudden, this kind of peace of God.

That there's been a lot of moments until then, that had led her to that realization.

That he is real.

That the gospel of Jesus real.

And all of this. And something interesting she talks about on the campaign trail.

And she and I talks about this privately too. And it's okay for me to share. That she really saw the reality of evil. The reality of hell. When she was deep into politics. And that that kind of started to shift her perspective on, who were the bad guys here?

What's going on?

All this evil is being done under the guise of really good intention.

Especially in Silicon Valley.

And I don't want to be a part of that anymore.

GLENN: She said a couple of things. First of all, you kind of just said, the interview gets into much deeper of her losing the baby.

She lost over 4 liters of blood. You really only have about four liters of blood in you.

ALLIE: Exactly.

GLENN: And she was bleeding out.

So it was a really traumatic moment of her tying, as well as her child, dying, at the same time.

She said, at one point to you, you know, when I started to realize all of this stuff. It's a little difficult, when you're married to the guy who started Google.

ALLIE: Yeah. So that kind of goes back further in her journey during COVID.

She shared that her daughter was diagnosed with autism. And like any good mom. She's trying to figure out, wait. How did we get here? How can I help her? What's going on in her little brain, to help me understand how to best support her?

And as she was digging into the research, she found some things that have kind of been dubbed right-wing conspiracies, about environmental factors, even pharmaceutical factors, that could possibly cause some symptoms of autism. But she had a hard time researching, because the search engine that almost everyone uses censors that kind of information. And while she was married to the cofounded of Google, who was playing a part in censoring that information. Not only inhibiting her research for her daughter, but research for the effects of the COVID-19 vaccine.

And she shared that caused understandably a lot of conflict in her life, and still does.

GLENN: I wonder what the conversations were like. You know what I mean? If you're looking at these things. Then all of a sudden, Google, your husband's company is censoring and saying, this is bad.

I mean, can you imagine that?

It would be really, very bizarre, to have that conversation at dinner that night.

Hey. I'm trying to do some research.

And you guys are shutting me down. And I have to tell you, I don't think this is crazy stuff.

I wonder what those conversations were like.

ALLIE: Yeah. I don't know.

It's crazy to think about.

GLENN: What was the biggest thing you took from her. I really, really like her.

Is this the first time you met her?

ALLIE: The first time I've met her in person. I'm just struck by how genuine, vulnerable she is. It was not easy to admit. Especially when you're someone who has been prominent in that space. Has donated a ton of money to entities like Planned Parenthood, George Gascon, other progressive causes, to admit that you were wrong, that you didn't see things as they were, and now you see things differently.

At one point, she said, I helped all these women get abortions, and I suddenly realized, I never helped a woman keep her baby. How dare I!

Not many people, especially in that space, have the humility to admit something like that. And I just praise God for that. Because that transparency will help a lot of people.

GLENN: How has her friend circle changed? I can't imagine she's got a lot of friends that were in that original circle.

ALLIE: You know, she still has friends. Maybe I don't know about in the tech-wide Mafia. But she still has friends who are very progressive.

I can see how she's a good person and a good friend, but she's having bold conversations with them. I know that for sure.

GLENN: Well, it's great.

You did a great job. I'm so happy for your success, Allie. I really am.

You deserve it.

Talk about your Shared Arrows. Get your Shared Arrows pitch here.

ALLIE: Yeah. Yeah. Shared Arrows. It is our women's Christian event. October 11th, Dallas, Texas. We are going to have Francesca Battistelli leading worship.

We're having Alice Childress. We're having Jinger Vuolo. Katie South. So many amazing speakers that are just rallying for women, to be courageous in our homes and whatever spaces God has placed us, to share the arrows of fellow believers that we face a common enemy.

So super excited about it. People can go to for more information.

GLENN: Thank you so much, Allie. Appreciate it, God bless.

ALLIE: Thanks, Glenn.

GLENN: Allie Beth can be heard on Blaze TV.

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